Copyright Policy

                              COPYRIGHT POLICY
This blog is dedicated to all the students who is preparing for govt exams. Here, all the important and relevant topics will be shared and discussed. 
Some of the articles are posted here from various news papers "ASIS" basis with relevant source name and author name.
If any of you have any problem with any article then please mail me, I will remove those articles within 2 to 3 days.


This blog is published by and reflects the personal information and data of my team. The content provided is exactly own. In addition, our team thoughts and opinions may change from time to time. This is a necessary consequence of our  open-mindedness. All information here is provided on an AS IS basis without any liability whatsoever. It is not guaranteed that the information is 100% accurate though every effort is made to make it as accurate as possible.
 By reading and/or using any information given on this blog(in the past, present and future), you agree that you are on your own and bear full responsibility of the risk or any harm that may occur to you or others (because of you) in any way whatsoever. You also agree that I will not be liable for any damages that you or others (because of you) may incur. 

                                                    Posting Comments:

Please note that by posting any comments on this blog, you agree that you are fully aware of what you are posting as your comment and agree that you are not posting any copyrighted material which you are not allowed (legally) to post & take full responsibility for the contents of your comment and no one but you will be held liable in case of any enquiries or prosecution by any government authorities. You also agree that this blog is not to be used as a marketing gimmick or for any SEO purposes & I or anyone else managing this blog can delete any part of your comment (like URLs) as deemed inappropriate, at our/their sole discretion. Don't post rude or nasty comments. Ethnic slurs, personal insults and abuses are rather uncool. Criticize, but know where to draw the line.

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